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Image TicketAccess

Event Discovery & Management App

Find and buy tickets easily, get event recommendations near you, and manage everything from a user-friendly dashboard. Perfect for attendees and organizers


Ticker Access

Image TicketAccess

Services Used

Design - Development - Project Management


The journey of TicketAccess began as a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) for a New York startup with a visionary goal: to centralize events and ticketing for all the small galleries across New York. This challenge stemmed from the fragmented nature of event discovery and ticket purchasing processes, which often left art enthusiasts and casual visitors alike navigating through a maze of websites and platforms. By aiming to create a singular, cohesive platform, TicketAccess sought to revolutionize how events are discovered, tickets are purchased, and entry is facilitated across the vibrant gallery scene of New York.

TicketAccess App

TicketAccess Dashboard

App - Your Key to New York's Galleries

Developed using React Native, is an app designed to transform the way art lovers discover, purchase, and access tickets to New York's eclectic gallery scene. This app offers a seamless cross-platform experience that enables users to navigate through events, secure tickets, and ensure entry with minimal effort. It incorporates geolocation technology to help users find nearby events, making the rich tapestry of New York's art scene more accessible than ever. The integration of Google APIs enhances mapping and geolocation features, while Stripe ensures a smooth, secure payment process. Firebase is utilized for real-time data syncing and notifications, making the app a comprehensive tool for event discovery and ticketing. This solution not only makes art accessible but also engages users with the local art community, fostering a deeper connection with New York's unique gallery offerings.

Dashboard - Streamlining Gallery Event Management

TicketAccess Panel is crafted with Next.js and Tailwind CSS, providing a responsive, visually appealing dashboard for gallery owners and event organizers. Hosted on AWS for unparalleled reliability and scalability, it centralizes event management, invoice processing, analytics, and customer communication. This platform is engineered to facilitate direct engagement through chat or email, equipped with AWS Lambda for serverless computing and AWS Amplify for backend integration. Stripe integration streamlines invoice processing, ensuring financial transactions are handled with ease. The dashboard's design and technology stack are carefully chosen to empower organizers with real-time insights and tools, enhancing decision-making and customer engagement. By simplifying event management and offering detailed analytics, TicketAccess Organizer helps galleries elevate their events, ensuring a successful and engaging art scene in New York.

Project Scope

Event Discovery and Filtering

Enables users to discover events and exhibitions across New York's galleries using advanced filtering options such as date, location, and art genre. This feature simplifies the search process, making it easier for users to find events that match their interests.

Ticket Purchasing and Management

Allows users to purchase tickets directly through the app, manage their tickets, and access event details all in one place. The integration of Stripe ensures a secure and seamless transaction process, enhancing the user experience.

Geolocation-Based Event Recommendations

Utilizes geolocation technology to recommend nearby events to users, encouraging exploration of the local art scene. This feature personalizes the user experience by suggesting events based on the user's current location.

Digital Ticketing with QR Code

Digital tickets are generated with unique QR codes for each purchase, facilitating easy entry to events. This eco-friendly solution reduces the need for physical tickets, streamlines the entry process, and improves security.

Event Analytics Dashboard

Provides event organizers with a dashboard to analyze event performance, track ticket sales, and gather insights on attendee demographics. This data-driven approach helps organizers make informed decisions to improve future events.

Real-Time Chat and Email Support

Offers a communication platform within the dashboard for organizers to directly engage with attendees. Whether for answering inquiries or providing updates, this feature enhances customer service and engagement.

User Profile and Preferences

Allows users to create profiles and set preferences for the types of events they are interested in. This personalization enhances the app's ability to deliver relevant event recommendations.

Secure User Authentication

Implements secure login and authentication mechanisms to protect user accounts and personal information. This ensures that the app is secure and compliant with privacy regulations.

Responsive Design for All Devices

Ensures that both the app and dashboard are designed to be fully responsive, providing an optimal viewing and interaction experience across all devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Content Management

Enables organizers to easily add and manage event listings, upload images, and edit details through the dashboard. This feature streamlines the process of keeping event information up-to-date and engaging.

Invoice and Payment Tracking

This simplifies the financial management of events, from ticket sales to paying vendors.

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